2011年2月1日 星期二

國家考試系列用書 - 教科書系列

適用會計師、檢事官、司事官、高普特等考試及會審人員. 各章節皆有重點提綱 , 特別適合依自己時間彈性安排自修之學員. 收錄歷屆所有相關試題 , 每一題皆有完整擬答.


11 則留言:

匿名 提到...

請問審計學mentor這本書,最近有改版計劃嗎 ?如果有,那新版預計何時發行?最近想買此本書,但怕買不久,就有新版發行。謝謝!

Erin Bear 提到...

Dear Reader,

Many thanks for your enquiry. mentor Auditing 90-99 is updating now, 99 Auditing exam papers will be included in mentor 90-99 Auditing; however, it will be published in Feb. 2011. If you need study Auditing and wanna get newest 99 five national exam answers, then please take a look p.s. 90-99 Auditing book. p.s. 90-99 Auditing book will be published on this Friday October 15, 2010.

Every my book has 1 year life. Due to rapid updating and revising of related regulations, we need update it.



Sasa 提到...

DEAR Erin老師:
我是台中班的學生 上位匿名的同學問是提到您mentor的書要到2011年的2月才上市 那麼我先買ps的2010/10/15出版再加上上課的講義和筆記就足夠了嗎? 因為我想如您說的上課完後回家馬上作題目 但可惜mentor未含99年的題目 只買ps又只有題庫 希望老師給學生我最好的意見

Erin Bear 提到...

Dear 台中班的學生,

Many thanks for your questions. I am sorry to tell U that I will not publish or update mentor Auditing next year. Compass Publishing company is planning to publish an Auditing TEXTBOOK, and the boss wishes me can transform mentor Auditing into a TEXTBOOK Auditing. Then, in the future, p.s. series will be only 'past year exam papers and answers'.

However, it is a plan, I am not very sure if I will do this or when it could be done. So, for now, if you are taking my class, then please go to bookstores and open my p.s. 90-99 Auditing, check it, feel it, and touch it, and you are welcome to compare my work to others, and then you decide if you need it.

I cannot answer you about "先買ps的2010/10/15出版再加上上課的講義和筆記就足夠了嗎?" The reason is ... I dont know what kind of exams you wanna attend. If you are talking about KPO exams in Jlu, or CPA exams in August, yeah, it should be.

If you are talking about National exams in December, or in March or other very special exams, then .... you will need 'mentor 90-98' book.

I hope I have answered your questions. If you have any further enquiry, please feel free to leave your opinion. Thanks for your time and interest.

Sasa 提到...

DEAR Erin老師:
謝謝您的回覆,學生我是要考100年高考會計 以前在學校時審計這科讓我很煩心 因為老師只叫我們背他畫的,死命背背背也不知道審計的核心是什麼 但遇到您 我想我很放心 雖然學生我是很笨的孩子 像您說您小時候一樣 其實我也是 小時候也是被台灣老師放棄的孩子 但我覺得別人如果作一次就完成那我作十次一百次我也要完成所以我給我自已100年-101年在高點念書的機會 同時我也會好好珍惜老師您授課的點滴 我想日後mentor改版我會去參考它 很開心遇到您

Erin Bear 提到...

mentor 審計學不會有新版,出版社要求將mentor 審計學改變為審計學教科書,出版社的想法是:出版社出書是希望賣給大學學生,而非補習班學生;出版社出書是要賣3,000本或5,000本以上,不是有人買就好。

mentor 90-98 審計學,用過的都說好,但是"用過的"都是"學過的",都是會到書店翻來比較的。但是很不幸,大學教授無法用mentor 審計學來授課。

因此,結論是:要考地方政府特考的,要地方政府特考90-98答案的,只有mentor 90-98 審計學有。而且,mentor 審計學不會有新版,mentor 90-98 審計學只有印刷1,000本,售完為止。取而代之的是變形後的 - 審計學教科書(內容多多,題目少少)。

Many thanks for your enquiry and interest. I am thankful that you like my teaching style. I am happy to hear: taking my class is having fun.



匿名 提到...

老師您好,我要考100年的高考,已經有mentor這本書請問還要再買ps系列的嗎? 還是只要配合mentor這本書再去下載您網頁上99年的高考審計題目互相搭配即可?謝謝!

匿名 提到...

Dear Erin

匿名 提到...


匿名 提到...




Erin Bear 提到...
