2017年5月29日 星期一

論台灣年輕學者前往泰國發展之可行性:第一章 找房篇



於是我就趕緊去一棟一棟的問,幸運地,在C學院過條小馬路的對面就有一棟學校宿舍(以下簡稱宿舍6)共四層樓,就這麼剛好一樓還剩一間空套房Room 110(兩張床、兩套床單、兩個枕頭、兩個水泥隔間的吊衣間、一套衛浴),就這麼巧Room 110還絕對是曬不到太陽,就這麼剛好曬衣陽台外面立有一支路燈,這一切的巧合讓我再次感謝,當主角真好,要找房就有房嘞。


其實6宿舍的每個房間都有附一台電視機和一台大噸位的冷氣機,但我從來不用,我家小戴(Dell XPS筆電)和六寶(iPhone 6低調又高貴的太空灰)都在C學院的老師辦公室或是6宿舍的學生自習室(以下簡稱common room)吃飽才進房的。為了省電,前6個月,從下班時間到bed time,我都待在6宿舍的common room,上網、看書、辦公、meeting、認識本科和碩士班學生、跟學生們聊天、回答學生們的課業問題……。這個common room,儼然就是我下班後的簡易辦公室。


1.    優點:

(1)   離工作地點近:我專門找離工作地點最近的宿舍,除了圖上下班方便以外,最重要的原因是,20154月我被派駐到泰國曼谷工作四個月,我熟悉泰國的天氣和交通。泰國的暴雨,那是說下就下,不帶打招呼的;泰國的交通,想塞就塞,也沒在跟您客氣的。狂風暴雨時,艷陽高照時,交通顛峰期,女性休養期,每位同事就不約而同地羨慕我就住在學校隔壁,一過馬路就到家。

(2)   絕佳辦公處所:我留在common room工作,除了想省電以外,還有另外一個原因,泰國學校的辦公室都要上鎖,保潔阿姨下班就會鎖上,是因為中國人勤勞不倦,加班是家常便飯,幾經爭取,辦公室的鎖門工作轉交給C學院的保安伯伯,大概20點左右,保安伯伯就會上來趕人。不想工作到一半被打斷,我只好另尋他處,就是common room了,沒有冷氣但有風扇,只要有WIFI就能辦公了。

2.    缺點:

(1)   離學生們太近了:這個6宿舍,除了我一個老師以外,其他住戶都是學生。學生們經過common room一定會進來跟我打招呼,前四個月,每天晚上都有本科的學生捧著上課教材來問我答案,我都會回答,但也因此讓某些老師不高興,認為我撈過界了。

(2)   宿舍電錶會亂跳:





3 則留言:

檢察長 提到...


audreyt 提到...


讀原文啦 智障同學!!

There are many observable physical phenomena that arise in interactions involving virtual particles. For bosonic particles that exhibit rest mass when they are free and actual, virtual interactions are characterized by the relatively short range of the force interaction produced by particle exchange. Confinement can lead to a short range, too. Examples of such short-range interactions are the strong and weak forces, and their associated field bosons.

For the gravitational and electromagnetic forces, the zero rest-mass of the associated boson particle permits long-range forces to be mediated by virtual particles. However, in the case of photons, power and information transfer by virtual particles is a relatively short-range phenomenon (existing only within a few wavelengths of the field-disturbance, which carries information or transferred power), as for example seen in the characteristically short range of inductive and capacitative effects in the near field zone of coils and antennas.

Some field interactions which may be seen in terms of virtual particles are:

The Coulomb force (static electric force) between electric charges. It is caused by the exchange of virtual photons. In symmetric 3-dimensional space this exchange results in the inverse square law for electric force. Since the photon has no mass, the coulomb potential has an infinite range.
The magnetic field between magnetic dipoles. It is caused by the exchange of virtual photons. In symmetric 3-dimensional space, this exchange results in the inverse cube law for magnetic force. Since the photon has no mass, the magnetic potential has an infinite range.

audreyt 提到...

Electromagnetic induction. This phenomenon transfers energy to and from a magnetic coil via a changing (electro)magnetic field.
The strong nuclear force between quarks is the result of interaction of virtual gluons. The residual of this force outside of quark triplets (neutron and proton) holds neutrons and protons together in nuclei, and is due to virtual mesons such as the pi meson and rho meson.
The weak nuclear force is the result of exchange by virtual W and Z bosons.
The spontaneous emission of a photon during the decay of an excited atom or excited nucleus; such a decay is prohibited by ordinary quantum mechanics and requires the quantization of the electromagnetic field for its explanation.
The Casimir effect, where the ground state of the quantized electromagnetic field causes attraction between a pair of electrically neutral metal plates.
The van der Waals force, which is partly due to the Casimir effect between two atoms.
Vacuum polarization, which involves pair production or the decay of the vacuum, which is the spontaneous production of particle-antiparticle pairs (such as electron-positron).
Lamb shift of positions of atomic levels.
The Impedance of free space, which defines the ratio between the electric field strength |E| and the magnetic field strength |H |: Z0 = | E|⁄|H|.[8]
Much of the so-called near-field of radio antennas, where the magnetic and electric effects of the changing current in the antenna wire and the charge effects of the wire's capacitive charge may be (and usually are) important contributors to the total EM field close to the source, but both of which effects are dipole effects that decay with increasing distance from the antenna much more quickly than do the influence of "conventional" electromagnetic waves that are "far" from the source.[a] These far-field waves, for which E is (in the limit of long distance) equal to cB, are composed of actual photons. Actual and virtual photons are mixed near an antenna, with the virtual photons responsible only for the "extra" magnetic-inductive and transient electric-dipole effects, which cause any imbalance between E and cB. As distance from the antenna grows, the near-field effects (as dipole fields) die out more quickly, and only the "radiative" effects that are due to actual photons remain as important effects. Although virtual effects extend to infinity, they drop off in field strength as 1⁄r2 rather than the field of EM waves composed of actual photons, which drop 1⁄r.[b][c]

Most of these have analogous effects in solid-state physics; indeed, one can often gain a better intuitive understanding by examining these cases. In semiconductors, the roles of electrons, positrons and photons in field theory are replaced by electrons in the conduction band, holes in the valence band, and phonons or vibrations of the crystal lattice. A virtual particle is in a virtual state where the probability amplitude is not conserved. Examples of macroscopic virtual phonons, photons, and electrons in the case of the tunneling process were presented by Günter Nimtz[9] and Alfons A. Stahlhofen.[10]