2011年5月20日 星期五

讀孫子兵法學英文/有利必有弊【2011.05.20 03:43 am經濟日報╱朱文章】

有利必有弊 there’s no rose without a thorn


的確,許多決策或運作,好比滅頂於金融風暴的雷曼兄弟、毀於地震海嘯的福島核電廠,出事前都被形容為「安坐蓮花台」(sure as God made little green apples)一般穩固,功效更是無以倫比(great thing since indoor plumbing),他人稍有質疑,主事者便譏以「沒有膽識」(Oh, ye of little faith.)堵人口實。


榮景可期,運作順暢時,大家都有「欲與天公試比高」(Give me somewhere to stand, and I will move the earth.)的豪氣;但老手知道,勝負關鍵在於不能只想好處而忽略缺點(there's no rose without a thorn),因此要預做準備。這不是單單只為壯膽(whistling in the dark),而是積極作為,目的是排除意外,好降低措手不及,禍生肘腋(And thou, my child?)事件的發生機率。

孫子第四章說:「勝可知,而不可為。不可勝者,守也;可勝者,攻也。」第六章又說:「勝可為也。」這前後有無矛盾?我們幫他解釋:以賭博為例,賭博包贏,非常不易,因為有風險存在。但讓別人不能贏你,卻一點不難——你不賭,就不會輸;不輸,不也等於贏了?別人求贏心切,搞到意外連連,槁木死灰(to have cold feet)之際,你手氣好到不行(on a roll),想不贏都難。
例:"It will not happen overnight but as sure as God made little green apples it will."「本案十分穩妥,雖然沒有速效,但絕無變卦之虞。」"The wealth management specialist is marketing her financial planning as the greatest thing since indoor plumbing and hope I will buy her story."「理財專員鼓其如簧之舌,把產品說得神氣活現,希望我會同意成交。」
"You thought I wouldn't finish the chore on time? Oh, ye of little faith."「你以為我無法如期結案嗎?你對我太沒信心了!」
"Some believe good connection will give you that firm place to stand in order to move the earth."「有些人認為,憑藉好關係,可以改變全世界。」


"No rose without a thorn but many a thorn without a rose."「有些時候,身處順境,難免有些逆境;但更多的時候是:身處逆境中完全看不到順境。」

"She seems pretty sure she'll win the title, but she may just be whistling in the dark."「她勢在必得,或許這只是她虛張聲勢的花招。」
"When the manager tells the president that he will also resign, the president cried, 'Even you, my child?'"「經理告訴執行長他也會遞辭呈,執行長驚呼:怎麼,連你也背叛我了!」

"I got cold feet when I learned the project seemed like a money pit."「這個案子看似無底錢坑,當下讓我心裡涼了半截。」

"Things are going great for Larry. He's on a roll now."「案子進展順暢無比,老賴手氣好到不行。」

